In such cases, extracting the whole zip files will consume time as well as the memory of your computer. Sometimes, we only require a specific file from the zip file to do our task. pwd: This parameter is used to extract an encrypted file with a password.If no argument is provided, it will extract all the files. members: This parameter is used to add the files’ list to be extracted.If it is not specified, the file is extracted in the current working directory.

path: This path parameter stores a path to the directory where the zip files need to be unzipped.Syntax ZipFile.extractall(path=None, members=None, pwd=None) Parameters The zipfile module is used to access functionalities that would help us create, read, write, extract and list a ZIP file in Python.

To extract a file using Python, we will use the zipfile module in python. Time to Code! Module Used to Unzip File in Python